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How to develop a recession-busting business

28th May 2009 - 00:00
Service Measure, a mystery shopping company based in the UK, has been investigating what makes certain companies flourish, even in a recession.
Take Google and Tesco as examples of credit-crunch busting companies. Service Measure has discovered that there are three core attributes that Google and Tesco demonstrate to make them two of the precious few companies posting large profits during such a volatile period. Google and Tesco have ensured their operations have remained resourceful, professional and pertinent to their customers' needs. The efficiency of their personnel and internal systems are fundamental in keeping their costs lower and productivity higher. Tesco are leaders in the UK retail market, stocking almost every material item imaginable, while Google are giants in the UK Internet market, acting as a passageway to the cyber world, and in turn almost every business with a web presence. This convenience factor in a 'one-shop-stop' era is a vital element of their success, and will ensure they continue to grow. The final attribute is in the positive attitude permeating down from the top directors, through middle management right to the front-line staff. Keeping staff motivated is vital to the future of any business, and there is a certain belief and optimism within these two companies that is missing from many others right now. Gary Haase, MD of Service Measure, commented: "Our findings are very interesting and should inspire us all to work smarter behind the scenes and subsequently improve the service we offer our customers, more than ever." The findings are not rocket science, but it is essential to focus on the three central areas of efficiency, expediency and attitude if businesses are to follow in the footsteps of these giants getting it right and setting an example to us all.
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PSC Team