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Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 30

19th Aug 2016 - 09:44
As Team GB's Gold rush continues at the Olympics, which of our FFF-ers will take the top spot on the medals table?

Car pioneer Henry Ford thought soya beans were the future. In 1935 he had his engineers use them to develop a plastic for the frames of his cars.

Red wine can only be made using red grapes, but white wine can be made using green or red or indeed black grapes, as the colour of red wine is made using the grape’s skin whereas white wine uses no grape skin.

Are you a GROAKER?? “Groaking” is an act of watching people eat food hoping they’ll eventually offer you some!

It was Napoleon who gave the baguette its long shape. His soldiers found it easier to carry their bread around on the battlefield in this shape and kept it down their trousers for ease when moving about, as they were short on backpack space.

Most common sports drinks are the equivalent of sugar-sweetened human sweat. That is, they have the same salt concentration  as sweat (but are less salty than your blood). An increase of as little as one percent in blood sale will cause you to become thirsty.

It takes almost three years for a single pineapple to reach maturation

When picked a citrus fruit is as sweet as it will be, even though the colour may continue change. It is not true that they can continue to ripen off the tree so be sure to leave them on there until they’re fully matured.

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PSC Team