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Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 39

21st Oct 2016 - 10:03
In the week where Boaty McBoatface became a reality (sort of...) we found lots of great food facts!

The Guinness world record for the oldest cat ever was Crème Puff, who lived to be 38 years old. His owner claims he lived this long because of his diet of bacon, eggs, broccoli and two cups of coffee a day. It’s no coincidence either, as his previous cat, Grandpa Rex Allen, held the previous record, living to the ripe old age of 34.

The Brussel Sprout is perhaps the most marmite of vegetable, dividing many a family at Christmas time. But did you know that they actually have superpowers? The sprout contains the compound sinigrin which causes cancer cells to quite literally commit suicide!

Kendall Mint Cake, the peppermint flavoured bars from the Lake District that are loved by ramblers and hill walkers, was the first confectionary to reach the summit of Mount Everest. It arrived with Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953 on the first successful attempt.

After being in space for a little while an astronaut's sense of smell diminishes which in turn leads to them not enjoying their food so much. However, it's been found that spicy foods are the exception. To get over this the crew are fully stocked with spicy foods and many bottles of Tabasco sauce to ensure they are kept happy, and full.

Did you know that putting a sugar cube in with your cheese will keep it fresher for longer and keep the mould away.

Elvis Presley was famously a fan of the “Sleeping Beauty Diet,” or a diet where a person is sedated for days at time. The reasoning behind the diet was that a sleeping person wouldn’t eat.

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PSC Team