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Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 7

18th Feb 2022 - 06:00
With the media headlines full of the threat posed by the build-up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border and legal issues faced by various of the Queen’s offspring, we’ve smuggled a couple of related food facts into our weekly random assortment.

•    Red Bull, which was founded in 1987 in Austria, is the biggest energy drink brand in the world, selling more than 9.8bn cans in 2021
•    Kiev might be in Ukraine, but the Russians claim chicken Kiev originated there, while the French, on the other hand, say Russia stole the recipe from them!
•    According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest cup of coffee ever brewed was made in Colombia and contained 22,739 litres
•    You can get many bacon-flavoured items, including toothpaste, dental floss, popcorn, vodka and mints
•    During the Tudor period, King Henry VIII ate roasted swan, but only on special occasions because the birds were regarded as ‘too noble and dignified’ for everyday consumption
•    Next time you’re wondering whether to buy basmati, long grain or jasmine rice, just ponder on the fact there are actually more than 40,000 varieties of rice to choose from

Written by
David Foad