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Fun Friday Foods Facts 2016 Vol.2

22nd Jan 2016 - 10:31
Are you looking out of your office window at a dreary, grey and rainy sky? Let us try and cheer you up with another edition of Friday food facts. Which is your favourite?

Before the invention of synthetic dyes, mushrooms were widely used for dyeing wool and other natural fibers. Mushroom dyes are organic compounds and produce strong, vivid colors.

The Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids under the influence. According to an archaeologist from the University of Pennsylvania, workers at Giza received about four liters of beer a day.

You can die if you eat too much chocolate. Chocolate contains high levels of a powerful stimulant called 'theobromine' (this is the part that makes chocolate poisonous to dogs) Theobromine poisoning can cause heart failure, seizures, acute kidney damage and dehydration. To ingest enough theobromine for it to be fatal, you have to eat about 22lb of chocolate or 40 bars of Dairy Milk.

Eye – eye!! Japan produces a number of weird Asian foods, one of which is the local delicacy that consists entirely of tuna eyes.
If you don’t mind looking your food in the eye, try this dish either raw or steamed. Some like to flavor it with a bit of garlic, others with soy sauce...Evoking the response...... You Lookin’ at me?

The Satiety (Sa tay a tee) Index measures how full a food makes us feel. As a group, fruit comes out on top with, surprisingly, bananas found less satisfying than apples and oranges.

We all love fast food, however did you know that one fast food hamburger may contain meat from over 100 different cows!

It takes two whole bath tubs worth of water (or 159 litres) to turn a potato into a packet of crisps!

Although “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is considered to be the shortest sentence that includes all the letters of the alphabet, alcohol lovers came up with one of their own “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”

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PSC Team