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Swansea schools take part in pirate-themed campaign to encourage healthier eating

12th Oct 2010 - 00:00
Primary schools across Swansea are taking part in a pirate-themed campaign to help encourage children to eat healthy and balanced meals.
Captain Jack, the Swansea pirate, is calling on youngsters to join the crew and tuck into a healthy and balanced school meal at lunch time. He'll be joining pupils at a number of primary schools across the city for a series of taster days that will give children a chance to try a range of healthy meals and new flavours. The first taster day is being held at Gwyrosydd Primary School this Thursday (October 14) when dinner ladies will don pirate gear to serve up treats to pupils who will also be wearing fancy dress. Bet Jenkins, who heads up the Swansea School Meals Team, said: "Our staff are passionate about the food we produce and about children enjoying eating healthily. "We've got lots of goodies such as pens and wristbands for pupils to take home as part of the Join the Crew campaign and there are prizes to be won." She added: "A school lunch helps young people recharge their batteries and to be at their best for afternoon lessons. Currently the cost of a primary school meal consisiting of two courses and a drink is just £1.90 and this compares very well to a lunch box full of branded snacks with less nutritional value than a balanced lunch."
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PSC Team