Monday 9 May, 14.00
Carole Mitchell from Eating Better presented their latest report 'Serving Better: Better menus make better choices - top tips for plant-based eating in the public sector', followed by a video from Winchester University demonstrating how, by creating 'better menus' and with more plant-based dishes, they have reduced their food related carbon footprint by 39%.
Cookery demonstration - David Foad, group editor of Public Sector Catering will spoke with Lisa Marley, Programme Coordinator & Chef Trainer from Proveg as she demonstrated some of her plant-based dishes.
Tuesday 10 May, 14.00
Cookery demonstration from Birds Eye Green Cuisine - they have lots of #plant-based recipes for caterers online here.
Wednesday 11 May, 11.00 - 12.30 - Webinar:Is plant-based now an established part of the menu or do we still need to campaign?
After years of campaigns, marketing and general consumer encouragement, is plant-based food now an accepted part of every menu across the public sector? A panel of industry leaders discuss the role of plant-based food, where it now sits in the 'everyday' menu cycle, demand from consumers and is there a need for further campaigning and cajoling. Have the sustainability and health benefits truly been understood and can we be confident that this is now established behaviour and the service won't regress.
Chaired by Simon Billing, Eating Better, he will be joined by:
- Andy Jones, chair PSC100 Group
- Nicola Strawther, Chief Dietetic & Catering Technician, Nottingham University Hospitals
- Charlie Huson, Humane Society International
Thursday 12 May, 14.00
Cookery demonstration from LACA School Chef of the Year (SCOTY) winner, Rob Chambers and Quorn Professional
Panel TBC
Cookery demo when David Foad will also chat with Lisa Marley, Proveg