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Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 12

1st Apr 2016 - 10:34
Along with the FACT that it's April Fools' Day, we've found loads of great food facts. Enjoy.

A bottle of Champagne contains approximately 49 million bubbles. This puts a whole new meaning to the term “Glass of bubbly”

The Mars bar shares a curious relationship with the car – for the last 70 years the cost of 20,000 Mars bars has consistently been the equivalent of the price of a small family car

In the 17th century England, people believed that keeping fruitcakes under the pillow of those who are unmarried will give them sweet dreams about their fiancée.

The colour orange is actually named after the fruit. Amazing but true. Until the beginning of the 16th century orange, the colour, was known as geoluread, meaning yellow-red. Orange.

In ancient Rome, butter was valued cosmetically. Not only was it used as a cream to make skin smooth, but Greeks and Romans massaged it into their hair to make it shine.

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PSC Team