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Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 31

26th Aug 2016 - 10:04
In the week where Jeremy Corbyn caused a right stink by sitting on the floor of a half empty train, we found lots of juicy food facts.

Elvis Presley was famously a fan of the “Sleeping Beauty Diet,” or a diet where a person is sedated for days at time. The reasoning behind the diet was that a sleeping person wouldn’t eat.

We've all, at least once, experienced the the dread of burning the rice just as dinner is ready to be served. But all is not lost. Simply place a slice of fresh white bread over the rice and cover the pot for just a few minutes. The burnt taste is gone and your meal saved!

A car fuelled only by used coffee grounds made the trip from London to Manchester in 2010. It was called the ‘car-puccino’, refueled every 60 miles and used the equivalent of 11,000 espressos.

Do you hate those ugly sprouts that form on your potatoes after just a couple of weeks? It turns out an apple a day might keep those sprouts away and also help the potatoes last longer. Apples produce ethlylene gas which prevents the potato from sprouting for over eight weeks.

For poaching, frying and meringues you want the freshest egg you can find, but for the perfect boiled egg it's better to use one that's over a week old as the white comes away from the shell membrane more easily.

Written by
PSC Team