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Fun Friday Food Facts 2017 Vol. 8

24th Feb 2017 - 09:37
Fun Friday Food Facts 2017 Vol. 8
In the week where the Conservatives won a seat from Labour that they've held for 80 years, we were a safe pair of hands and found some food facts.

It’s not your fault if you have a sweet tooth because humans are born craving sugar. Scientists believe that this is an evolutionary hangover as those who had a high-calorie diet would have had a better chance of survival when food sources were unreliable. So next time you reach for the biscuit tin, blame your ancestors!

Wrigley used to sell soap and baking powder. When William Wrigley started giving away chewing gum as an incentive to increase baking powder sales he realised it was more popular than the product itself so changed the company strategy.

Do you have a bruise? Why not put an egg on your bruise. Did you know an egg can suck out the bruise? Sounds crazy, right?! This is a remedy used and perfected in Korea. Why not try it…

  • Boil an egg until it’s hard, the yolk shouldn’t be runny.
  • Crack the egg open, slice it and remove the yolk.
  • Wrap the egg along with a silver ring in a light handkerchief or napkin. Do this quickly so the egg is still warm, a cold egg will not help
  • Apply the cloth covered egg to the bruise and rub until the egg has cooled. Do this a few times a day until the bruise is gone.

Before earning its current nickname as the Big Apple, New York City was known as the Big Onion because it was the kind of city where you could peel off layer after layer without ever reaching the core.

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