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Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol.29

27th Jul 2018 - 09:15
After a few themed weeks, we decided to leave this week's Fun Friday Food Facts open - enjoy!
  • There is an ice cream fruit in Hawaii. That’s right, there’s a Hawaiian fruit that tastes exactly like vanilla ice cream. It’s called the Inga Feuillei, but locals call it the ice cream bean
  • Hot chocolate has caused much religious debate - during the 16 and 17 centuries, Roman Catholics couldn’t decide if it was a drink or a food, which would decide if it could be consumed during religious fasting. The argument eventually reached the Pope (in 1572) who declared that drinkable chocolate was ok while fasting. But many Catholics today disagree, and ban chocolate drinks during the religious ritual
  • Rumour has it apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee
  • In Ireland one of the most quirky archaeological finds are barrels of buried butter in bogs. Apparently the butter was stored this way to preserve it and keep it safe from thieves
  • 7-Eleven stores in the US offer a Double Gulp soft drink serving that is 50 fluid ounces, or nearly one and half litres of liquid. Filled with Coca Cola, it contains 600 calories - or a quarter of an adult male’s recommended caloric intake for a day
Written by
Edward Waddell