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Study reveals Brits tell 20 lies a week about their healthy habits

27th Feb 2017 - 10:14
Study reveals Brits tell 20 lies a week about their healthy habits
A new study from KP Nuts has revealed Brits tell on average 20 lies a week in relation to their health and fitness.

Of the 2,000 adults surveyed, 61% admit they were in denial about their health. 19% admitted to routinely lying to their GP and 41% admitting to filling out medical forms inaccurately to give a better impression.

A spokesperson for KP Nuts said: “ We’re all a little guilty of fibbing about what we’ve really been snacking on but the truth is we don’t have to take supplements and pump iron at the gym to be healthy.

“Some foods that we write off in a bid to eat well can be far more nutritious than we give them credit for. It’s not about following food fads it’s about knowing which foods taste good and still give you the nutrients you need. A handful of peanuts, for example (25g), can provide 7g of protein and tastes great too.”

When asked why, 26% said it was due to peer pressure and 14% said it was due to celebrity influence. 51% said it was down to impressing others and not wanting to appear inferior.


Top 20 health and fitness fibs:

1. I drink more than 1 litre of water a day

2. I don’t watch much telly

3. I only drink at weekends

4. I visit the gym regularly

5. My kids aren’t allowed sweets

6. I have a normal BMI

7. I never eat takeaways

8. I don’t really like chocolate

9. I don’t like the taste of alcohol

10. I’m not a fan of fried food

11. My kids love vegetables

12. I never eat fast food

13. I lift really heavy weights

14. I only shop at organic supermarkets

15. I don’t eat any saturated fat

16. I won’t have processed food in the house

17. I have never tried a kebab

18. I don’t eat carbs at all

19. I’ve run a marathon

20. My children never eat fast food.

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Anonymous (not verified)