The Spring Cool Soft Drinks business with a £3 million turnover sells products into schools such as Spring Cool Irish Spring Water, Spring Clear 105, and Spring Cool X-ite - all of which will be inte
Members of Durham County Council's Cabinet have given formal agreement to the two-year pilot scheme, which was announced by the government earlier this month.
The School Food Support Service (SFSS) appointed three suppliers in the county to provide the ingredients for the meals on the new school meals menu for this year.
Fruit and vegetables are being sourc
The menu is made up of a choice of football meatballs (pork meatballs with pasta in a tomato sauce), quorn footballs (quornballs served with pasta in a tomato sauce) or trophy seafood (breaded salmon
A poll for the supermarket chain Morrisons has found that almost half of youngsters never or rarely help prepare evening meals, even though around a third of parents want them to take part.
Gloria, aged 66, has decided to take a well-deserved retirement in Northumberland after having prepared, cooked or served almost 700,000 meals in her career in the kitchens at Maundene School in Chath
The partnership with Chartwells has helped Oxford Brookes University to become the world's first university to achieve a series of accolades including Fairtrade status and to become the first UK unive